

Massotherapy is a rehabilitative and preventive technique based essentially on the application of massages. With this term we mean a set of manual skills and targeted maneuvers that, linked together, go to dissolve the states of tension of the muscle tissues, soothe joint pain, as well as improve blood and lymphatic circulation, allowing the body to eliminate any inflammation and toxins more quickly. Massotherapy has a wide application not only in the treatment of traumas and diseases, but also in reducing (draining) fatigue, increasing the athletes' ability to recover and work and promoting relaxation in tense and inflamed people. All the therapies as such are carried out with precise and detailed medical prescription and according to the law in force.

I graduated in various massage tecniques:

  • Articular
  • Classic
  • Connective
  • Lymphatic Drainage
  • Micro Massage
  • Myofascial
  • Muscle Rebalancing
  • Sports
  • Wellness


The articular massage, or joint mobilization, is a very incisive method thanks to which the joints, mobilized in a fluid and natural way, improve their elasticity; the bones improve their ability to assimilate calcium thanks to better nourishment and the muscles and tendons lengthen, increasing their flexibility and strength. This treatment also helps improve posture and perform movements that were previously difficult or impossible.


The classic basic massage, also called Swedish massage, is the basis of massage techniques and is the richest in manual work (touching, friction, kneading, percussion, vibration, traction). Its primary objective is general relaxation and reduction of muscle stiffness, circulation stimulation, pain relief, toxin (hemolymphatic) and edema removal, and improvement of muscle tone. It is therefore a complete tratment instrument whose action, appropriately addressed, can be used both in the aesthetic and terapeutic and sports fields.


Connective tissue massage is a technique that interacts with the deep layers of muscle tissue. It is here in fact that toxins accumulate due to the pressure and stress which our body is constantly subjected to. Inflammation of the muscle is a clear signal. The connective tissue massage therefore allows the tension to be released and the muscle tissue to relax, leading to the release of toxins and a better circulation of oxygen and blood in the system. Moreover, starting from the skin and subcutaneous tissue, it acts on deeper structures and reflexes on deep muscles and suffering internal organs.


Lymphatic Drainage is a special massage technique performed in areas of the body characterized by an excessive reduction of the lymphatic circulation. It promotes the drainage of lymphatic fluids from the tissues: manual mechanical action is exercised at the level of areas that affect the lymphatic system (composed of spleen, thymus, lymph nodes) in order to facilitate the flow of stagnant organic liquids. It is a tecnique widely used to combat cellulite, to reabsorb edema, to regulate the neurovegetative system and promote the healing of ulcers and sores in diabetics.


The technique of micro massage consists of the stimulation of Meridians and Trigger Points by pressing and touching them with fingers and hands. In humans, the meridians are energy pathways that connect organs and viscera with each other and with the periphery of the body and at the same time interact with the external world. They allow the circulation of energy that overlaps the haematic, lymphatic and nervous current. This technique is therefore based on a reflexology principle and is suitable for an energy balance.


The myofascial massage is a technique that works in depth by acting on the fascia that covers and joins the muscular bellies which is used both for preventive purposes and for the treatment of stiffness and muscle contractures. It is able to rebalance the band and resolve muscle-joint pain by increasing blood supply, improving venous and lymphatic flow and restoring tissue fluency.


These are techniques of stretching, which have the purpose of increasing elasticity and, in particular, the ability of the muscle to relax and therefore determine the increase in joint mobility. They can be integrated into the massage in order to improve the motor funtions of the muscoloskeletal system and are indicated above all to solve problems of a painful nature, for postural spine pains, but also for manteinance and sports performance.


The sports massage is specific for competitive activities, which can often cause large strains of tendon and joint muscles. This type of massage in turn differs in pre-competition massage, that is to say preparation for the athletic gesture by performing elasticizing and vascularizing manual skills; post-competition sports massage, which aims to maximize physical recovery after muscular effort, whith draining, anti-fatigue and muscle relaxant action, and infra-race sports massage that uses manual pre and post race massage based on to the physiological characteristics of the athlete and the sporting activity.


The wellness massage can be of a preventive nature, maximizing the state of well-being in general or anti-stress. Through the stimulation of neuromuscualr, vascular and lymphatic body system, relaxing effects are obtained, muscle tension is loosened and there are benefits on mental activity.



CHI SONO                            KINESIOTAPING








Telefono +39 391 408 4617
